Forum Solo ads forum track and have your own optin page

2 posts / 3 likes

i spent a few hundred dollars on directly sending traffic to click bank affiliate offers opt in pages and got nothing but 4 bucks so dont make that mistake and track your traffic you buy because i just posted a clickbank link and hoped someone got something dont do that thank you.

2 posts / 3 likes

well i didnt send them directly to a sales page it was a vendors opt in page and thinking well they will send the emails and i would get commissioned which is silly because if i spend money i should keep the traffic for my own but this stuff is trial and error and a learning process so it happens

225 posts / 40 likes
Mike H on 17 Jun 2021 at 19:39

i spent a few hundred dollars on directly sending traffic to click bank affiliate offers opt in pages and got nothing but 4 bucks so dont make that mistake and track your traffic you buy because i just posted a clickbank link and hoped someone got something dont do that thank you.

Hello Mike,

Landing a sale depends on your offer, how attractive it is to the potential customer, what benefits your offer to your audience etc. If you can find a seller that has an audience that matches what you offer you will get much better results.

Please remember, most sales come from follow-up sequences, so you should not hope too much to get instant sales from running solo ads. Build your list and send a follow-up series. You will get recurring income, not one-hit sales. Most people decide to buy after 4-5 exposures, and most sales come from follow-up sequences.

Contact our support line from the Help page if you'll have any questions.

Shakil | Udimi Customer Support Team

5 posts / 6 likes

Yeah thats why most people give up on affiliate stuff. What you ned to do is always send traffic to a very similar looking intermediary (some refer to this as a squeeze page) page and, if nothing else, collect their email address. exit intent popups work great for this.

better yet, make it so when they fill out your opt in form on your page, you will not only receive their email address, but you can then redirect them to the actual offer page where you pre-pop the offer page form with the details they provided on the page before. conversion rate is much higher when they dont have to enter info twice.

hope this helps. i feel like nobody ever wants to share this simple information.
