Forum Solo ads after optins

9 posts / 3 likes

hi guys hope you can help me out, does it work if i send the same offers back to the optin list? as they did not buy anything yet during the optins



9 posts / 3 likes

Thanks for the tips !

225 posts / 40 likes

Hello Kelvin Fernandez,

It is not allowed to advertise here on the Forum pages, share any external links and lead people outside Udimi. If you wish to advertise, I'd suggest buying solos. Please be careful of this activity, or this may be the reason to get blocked from Udimi.

Your post will be deleted.

Shakil | Udimi Support Team

225 posts / 40 likes
Kelvin Yuan
Kelvin Yuan on 29 Nov 2021 at 02:14

hi guys hope you can help me out, does it work if i send the same offers back to the optin list? as they did not buy anything yet during the optins thanks kelvin

Hello Kelvin,

Getting sales depends on your offer, how attractive it is to the potential customer, what benefits you offer to your audience etc. Please remember, most sales come from follow-up sequences, so you should not hope too much to get instant sales from running solo ads. So, you can definitely send the same offer, but you should have some variety in your offer style or template. Build your list and send a follow-up series without any hesitation. You will get recurring income, not one-hit sales. Most people decide to buy after 4-5 exposures, and most sales come from follow up sequences, as I already mentioned.

Shakil | Udimi Support Team

4173 / 17
405 posts / 355 likes

Wow... it's all about the follow-up and how you segment your leads. I set up 5 emails on my initial offer...usually one of my free products, and then start selling. Usually a 45-day email sequence.
