Forum Solo ads What offers are the best on this platform

1 post / 0 likes

New to this platform. I wanted to try solo ads because I got restricted from Facebook. I'm starting youtube ads now. My question is, does this platform really work for home business opportunities. I bought over 1500 clicks. Alot of sign ups, but no conversions. I have a highly effective funnel, but it doesn't seem to work on this platform? Any advice about business opportunity offers here?

225 posts / 40 likes
David Martinez
David Martinez on 12 Jul 2022 at 04:53

New to this platform. I wanted to try solo ads because I got restricted from Facebook. I'm starting youtube ads now. My question is, does this platform really work for home business opportunities. I bought over 1500 clicks. Alot of sign ups, but no conversions. I have a highly effective funnel, but


Landing a sale depends on your offer, how attractive it is to the potential customer, what benefits your offer to your audience etc. If you can find a seller that has an audience that matches what you offer, you will get much better results.

Please note that most of the sales come from follow-up messages. Try to build a list by setting an opt-in page as your landing page to collect opt-in first and your sales page as a thank you page. Most people decide to buy after 4-5 exposures, and most sales come from follow-up sequences.

And I am not sure why your funnel doesn't work on this platform. I'd suggest contacting the customer support of Udimi to get better assistance.

Thank you.

Shakil | Customer Support Specialist