Forum Solo ads One off sales or recruiting subs

19 posts / 4 likes

Hi, I was just wondering of the more experienced marketers here who prefer to promote one off sales or recurring/residual/subscriptions earning opportunities to there lists? Thanks Marcus

19 posts / 4 likes

Hi, Thanks I will start looking into this further. Marcus

4173 / 17
406 posts / 355 likes

i would offer free products…like software that generates sales from leads that buy services. It’s something anyone can do…the service sells for you so all you are doing is sharing…maybe even using for a bribe to build your list.

facts are rebrandable ebooks and the like are not really valued. You want something that’s a true value to people.


19 posts / 4 likes

Hi, You mean like and ebook or something, I know some of the clickbank vendors offer rebrandable ones. I mainly promote vendors off click bank and also a funnel builder. I know some clickbank venders offer rebrandable ebooks? Is that what you mean? Promote that as the initially freebie then follow up? Thanks Marcus

Just got to keep buying leads and build my list I guess and offer varied offers ?

4173 / 17
406 posts / 355 likes

Look, I don't know your specifics, so I will just say. Promote every fantasy you want on the front end, and then...promote other offers after that first thing.

Did you know you can give away free things...that people love and then get paid a no-brainer commission later. Well...This is a real thing and a serious part of how anonymous internet millionaires make money. I've been doing this for a long time...14 years!

It's a dastardly way to help people, be a good guy, not sell anything and make a tremendous amount of money.

You are right here in the best do that... Can YOU figure out how to do it.


19 posts / 4 likes

Hi William, Thanks for your reply I think in honesty I was just trying to work out some direction. I promote a opp that is a monthly payment but wanted to shore it up with some additional extra sales. Your right value is very important something I need to work on. Regards Marcus

4173 / 17
406 posts / 355 likes

Getting a sale on an opt-in is always nice…but it isn't easy. Which would you rather have, one order or a list that buys from you repeatedly? That’s the difference between a businessman and someone just trying to make money.

 If you treat your list like you are desperate…they won't respond, opt out, or buy something and refund. It’s the guys that add value to their list that excel.

Best of Luck
