Posts of Beastly Reviews
Beastly Reviews
2 posts / 2 likes

So I have found one method to figure out if the emails you are getting are real or not.

When sending out broadcast emails be sure to add email tracking to them to know when the prospect has open the email and if they clicked through currently I am seeing a 90% bot traffic.

And how do I know this is because about 45% of the emails I send get read within the first 30 seconds of sending them and I don't know about you but nobody opens every email 30 seconds Within them being sent.

A majority of the emails that are sent on a daily basis I'm only seeing a 3% click through rate the rest of them are just opening as soon as the message reaches their inbox.

My best advice is don't buy cheap traffic.

Posted 20 Nov 2019 at 14:10
Beastly Reviews
2 posts / 2 likes

I just spent about $70 bucks on two vendors 1 with a 34% sale rate and another with 26% sale rate are those numbers real, like will I get any clicks ot actual sign ups or could I possibly have blown my money. Also do people lie on here and say they got sales from a vendor but actually didn't. HELP ME NOT GET SCAMMED.

Posted 11 Nov 2019 at 08:29
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