Posts of Laprentiss D Sampson
Laprentiss D Sampson
1 post / 1 like

As a customer I would love that!

Its a triple win in my opinion.

Clients get recurring traffic from their favorite vendors

Vendors get recurring income from their best clients

Udimi gets lifetime customers and eases the process on future transactions.

The only one who MAY lose would be new sellers. But they will be fine if they provide clean runs for the new people who come in.

Let's make it happen!

After reading the thread....

Maybe it should be an option that is opened up to members who have used a specific vendor maybe 5 times or so.

This shows that they clearly like Udimi, and clearly like and trust their specific vendor.

Maybe as a prime feature?

I feel this would reduce the chargebacks yall are concerned about.

Posted 20 Jul 2019 at 16:21
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