Posts of Sarah Staar
Sarah Staar
4 posts / 0 likes

Oh wow I didn't realise you could do that thanks Kujtim.

I'll give that a try later today...

I'm always amazed how even after 10 years in this industry I am still learning new things everyday...

Posted 7 Sep 2018 at 14:52
Sarah Staar
4 posts / 0 likes

Yes but that's with a single link isn't it.

A lot of my affiliates might be buying solo ads from 10 or 15 different people.

So there will need to set up 10 or 15 different tracking links..

Is it possible to set up several different links in one domain name in namecheap?

Posted 7 Sep 2018 at 14:35
Sarah Staar
4 posts / 0 likes

I realise that we could get round this with cloaking.

However a lot of my affiliates are very technically challenged.
So i want to make things as simple as possible..

That's why I recommend solo ads to them because it's very easy to drive traffic with a solo ad and an affiliate link.

The problem with cloaking is the have to buy domain name and set up web hosting,
They will then either have to modify an htaccess file or install WordPress...

To be honest it would be far easier for them to just buy their solo ads from somewhere else.

Obviously we have some affiliate's who are a bit more advanced and they can build their own website and cloak their own links so for them it won't be a problem.

Posted 7 Sep 2018 at 14:31
Sarah Staar
4 posts / 0 likes

I run an affiliate program and my students are no longer able to use udimi

Here's the problem...

I've been using udimi for many years and i also promot as an affiliate very successfully...

I run my affiliate program using my shopping cart infusionsoft..

However there is a problem..

When setting up a new email swipe an error message comes up.


There are too many redirects inside your link. Only 3 redirects are allowed inside the link.

The link which is being used as an infusionsoft affiliate link.

These are infusionsoft affiliate links and cannot be changed..

I contacted udimi help and they said there's nothing they can do and refuse to change the policy???

This is ridiculous I've been a successful affiliate for a number of years,

I have over 700 affiliate's who regularly use udimi.

Obviously we cannot use udimi any more if affiliate links from infusionsoft are not allowed.

Very strange??

Any suggestions would be welcome.. Anybody know any alternatives to udimi ??? since my business in no longeer wanteed...

Posted 6 Sep 2018 at 16:45
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