24 July 2020
Anthony Rousek sold to Maria Perillo
167 visitors and delivered 182 visitors (+9%)
Maria Perillo (buyer)
Rating for the seller:
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the best solo ads I have ever engaged! You are by far the best in value and the highest optin I have ever received. Im very grateful for your help. I have ordered 167 clicks and you delivered 182 quality visitors to my site and gave me the highest optin. I have been monitoring the engagement here in UDIMI and you are so generous with supplying me quality leads. I will definitely come back for return business!)
Anthony Rousek (seller)
Rating for the buyer:
always great to work with
167 quality visitors were delivered + 15 bonus
+ 3 clicks were filtered or not counted by Udimi
Traffic geography
Top tier countries
United States