Udimi click filter

01 Jan 2016 - 14 May 2024. Updated once in 24 hours.
Useless clicks filtered
126 395 500+
Fraud clicks filtered
909 751 000+
Fraudsters banned
Money saved for our Buyers
$652 772 295+

We want Udimi customers to get the best possible return on their investment, with no wasted time or money. That’s why we protect your account with a custom-designed click filter, so you can be assured that scammers and timewasters won’t be among your audience.

Let’s look at how our unique click filter works in the background to guard your spending and improve the quality of your inbound traffic automatically!

First of all, there are a few facts you need to know:

Fact: сlick сounters are not filters

You’ll most likely have come across a few of these in your time. Click counters, whether free or paid versions are essentially exactly what they sound like - they just count clicks.

Sometimes they have a fairly simple filter applied, but that doesn’t do a great job of identifying malicious traffic.

Also, they’re not very specialised - just set up to count clicks on any website, in any industry. So the same counter that’s monitoring a porn site isn’t going to be well equipped to filter out useless traffic on a bakery site - right? Right.

They’re just simple bots that do a simple job - counting. They don’t look at visitor types, they don’t adapt to the niche industry in which they are used, they simply provide a top-level total which isn’t much use to the recipient.

Our tracker is purpose-built and used only for solo ads - and we don’t offer it to anyone else, it’s a Udimi exclusive!

Udimi has its own internal tracker that is used only for solo ads and only on Udimi.

Fact: it takes a minimum of 1,000 clicks to determine traffic quality

That’s quite a lot of clicks. No-one in their right mind wants to shell out hundreds of dollars on clicks just to find out that the traffic wasn’t any good after all. But how can you tell without testing a large sample for yourself?

As usual, Udimi has got your back. We have huge volumes of traffic going through our system on an hourly basis, and we measure and analyse it on behalf of our buyers. This means we know the traffic quality which each seller is providing, and can filter the poor quality traffic out before it gets to the buyer.

Fact: we are 100% interested in traffic quality

Some solo ad vendors just want to make a quick buck selling a few poor quality or spam clicks and moving quickly on to the next victim - and they don’t care at all about quality.

At Udimi, our business is based on relationships, both with our sellers and buyers, and we want to keep both coming back again and again.

The way we do that is by focusing on quality - it’s why we have multi-stage ID checks, traffic analysis, click monitoring - we do everything we can to guarantee that you get genuine visitors, not bots, clicking on your ads.

Fact: we buy low-quality traffic and blacklist it

Yes, you read that right. We don’t just wait to detect fake traffic when it hits our servers, we hunt it down online and buy it. Every month, we (incognito, obviously!) purchase thousands of clicks from the Internet’s worst offenders and send them to our own servers.

This allows us to blacklist these traffic sources, which protects our buyers from them in the future - and saves them thousands of dollars into the bargain.

Once we know about it, any seller who sends this traffic to our buyers gets an instant ban. We do this on a daily basis and we have the best anti-click-fraud database on the Internet!

What’s so special about our filter?

Udimi came up with quite a few revolutionary ideas that soon became standard for the solo mailing industry. One of these changes is about how we count traffic.

Udimi is the only traffic counter which filters real, but useless traffic. No click tracker will give you that option. The maximum you'll get is some bot traffic ignored - if you’re lucky.

There are three types of traffic - and our buyers are only interested in one of these:

  1. Non-human (bot) traffic
  2. Human traffic
  3. Human, but useless traffic

Ok, bots are obviously bad, but what’s with number 3?

Not all human traffic is desirable - there are a few reasons you might want to filter out certain traffic types.

1. Click Rings

Sometimes people team up to make money by clicking each other's links. Normal click trackers will count this traffic as legitimate because it is real human traffic. But these people will never do anything useful on your site.

2. Traffic Exchanges

Some website owners visit other sites in exchange to get visitors back from people alike. This traffic is useless. Scams add paid links to traffic exchange sites and use them the same way as click rings, but traffic exchange users don't even know they are helping scammers to steal money.

3. "3-second" visitors

Sometimes people click your link by mistake or close their browser even before the site is loaded. You don’t want to be paying for these visits - they’re going nowhere.

4. Outdated technologies

Your site will not work in a browser from 1995. That's a fact. We don't know why some people are using such ancient browsers, but our stats show they never buy anything, so we filter them out.

5. High-risk countries

We’re not naming names, but in our experience, visitors from certain countries never buy anything, but they do eagerly participate in click fraud, hacking and DDoS attacks. You don't want these people on your site.

For these reasons and more, Udimi is the only click tracking solution you can trust when you buy solo mailings. There is no other traffic counter on the web that comes even close to Udimi because they do not ignore these types of useless and potentially dangerous traffic.

Others try to maximize clicks, we - quality

Traffic counters try to count everything they can. Their only motivation is to catch as much as they can and then pass it on to you, along with the bill. It is impossible to seed out the fake traffic from hundreds or even thousands of clicks.

For example, Google has the Analytics counter, but it doesn't filter out useless traffic. And they also have a click filter in the Adwords system to filter out fraudulent traffic automatically, but they don't allow you to access it.

So let’s compare:

Filters that are available on other trackers:

  1. Bots (search engines, ping/uptime monitoring/archiving) visits
  2. Duplicate clicks from the same person

Filters that are available only on Udimi:

  1. Click ring visitors
  2. Fake optins
  3. Fraud sales
  4. Fake testimonials
  5. Multiple names
  6. High buyer/seller refund rate

It’s easy to see why Udimi is the only sensible choice.

How does Udimi’s filtering engine work?

Here is how Udimi system filters the traffic:

  • Detection of black hat technologies (frames, 1px images, etc)
  • Detection of user with no Javascript
  • Checking against anonymous proxy database
  • Open proxy detection and real IP detection
  • System gathers PC info: screen size, browser, operating system version, and so on
  • System creates a fingerprint of the user and removes duplicates
  • Detection of bots, worms, and other non-human devices
  • Blacklist checks: SpamHaus, SORBS, SpamCop
  • Geolocation
  • Connection type checks to remove visits from hosting
  • ISP check and organization name detection
  • VPN check and removal
  • Anonymous check and removal

It’s only after passing all these filters that traffic is counted in your stats.

Why not take a look for yourself?

To see all filtered clicks, open your solo Detailed Stats screen and select Filtered or Useless traffic section stats and you'll see all filtered traffic with filtration reason for every click.

Traffic Statistics