Udimi academy: helpful insights and tutorials

  • What is a solo ad?

    When it comes to marketing online, the name of the game is generating quality traffic and building your list. Email solo ads are like renting someone else’s email list to promote your stuff. You pay them to send an email to their subscribers, trying to get people interested in what you have to offer. It’s…

  • Contact us

    Due to the unreliable nature of email communications, including issues like lack of security, loss of information, and deliverability problems, we strongly recommend using our live support service.  To contact us, please log into your account and click the Contact us button. You can find this by hovering over the Help button on any page,…

  • Advice from Patrik. Final part

    Just in case you missed the previous part, read it here. 3. Custom swipes vs ready made swipes Most affiliate offers provide a swipe that you can easily copy-paste and use yourself. It saves you time, sure. But how many times do you think that swipe has been sent before? I can guarantee you won’t…

  • Insider tips from top Udimi vendor Patrik Radacic

    We promised you last time that we’d have some expert advice for you, well here it is. The following tips are from expert Udimi seller Patrik Radacic​. Let’s hand it straight over to Patrik… To begin with let me make one thing clear – the real money is in the follow ups. I’ll explain in…

  • Udimi affiliate program

    How much can you earn? With the Udimi affiliate program, you can earn 15% on each solo order from all your referrals. For example, if your referral buys a $1,000 solo ad, you’ll earn $150. If you have 100 referrals making similar purchases, you could make $15,000 per month Plus, you’ll receive 25% from all…

  • How do scams cheat solo ad buyers

    Hi, I am Uncle Dimitry, CTO of Udimi. I’ve seen many scams trying to snitch to our site and I’d like to share with you only a few methods that scams will use to cheat you on the wild market, so you could be more prepared for that. This will never happen with you on…

  • Udimi awards

    As a sign of recognition and respect, every year we send physical awards to our Top 3 buyers, sellers and affiliates.  Like the one below: Here are just a few awards shot by our winners. If you are a winner yourself and wish your photo or video to be included on this page, just drop…

  • Sell solo ads

    If you have top notch traffic, we can accept you as one of our traffic suppliers. It is easy, comfortable and very profitable to sell your traffic to Udimi customers. As a bonus, our army of affiliates will promote your offers on Udimi without any effort on your part. Read more: Udimi affiliate program. We make…