Advice from Patrik. Final part

Just in case you missed the previous part, read it here.

3. Custom swipes vs ready made swipes

Most affiliate offers provide a swipe that you can easily copy-paste and use yourself. It saves you time, sure. But how many times do you think that swipe has been sent before?

I can guarantee you won’t be the first person to send that swipe. If you want better results, at the very least you need to tweak some of the information to make it more unique.

Or even better, get someone on Udimi to make it for you – many of us have long experience in creating swipes.

One hint to remember – shorter is better. Swipes that are too long just don’t work.

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4. Capture pages vs direct linking to ClickBank or similar sites

One of the most common questions I hear from buyers is

“​Can you send traffic directly to a ClickBank offer?​”

The simple answer is yes. But I always strongly recommend that you don’t go down this route. It’s much better to direct the traffic you buy to a capture page instead – because the real value is in the list.

If you buy 100 clicks going directly to a ClickBank offer, all you can do is passively wait, and hope that someone will eventually buy something on ClickBank. This is a lose-lose situation. It often leads to less sales for you, and therefore we as vendors get less sales commission.

What you should be doing is sending traffic to a capture page. This can be a simple page, still relevant to the offer, with an email form. This form should sign them up to an autoresponder like GetResponse or MailChimp.

After they sign up you can redirect them to the offer at ClickBank. This is the magic part. When they “opt in” to the form you have their email and they consent that you can send them information.

You can now use email sequences to “remind them” about the offer, increasing the likelihood that they will purchase.

It’s a little more time consuming than sending traffic straight to ClickBank, but the payoff is much better. If you take nothing else away from this guide, you should definitely research this. Here are some key terms to search for:

  • Landing page
  • Autoresponder
  • Good email sequence

This is the single most valuable strategy to bring you the most money from the traffic that we as sellers provide.

Quality of traffic

I also want to quote Udimi here on the quality of traffic

“It takes at least 1000 clicks to determine traffic quality”.

You cannot expect to buy 50 clicks, get no sales and then tell the seller the traffic was bad. It’s just not enough traffic to determine the quality.

And finally, remember:

Most sellers here, myself included, are in it for the long run. We want you to succeed and get sales, time after time – that’s how we make our living.

I hope this has given you a little more insight into the process, and how to maximize your sales.

Patrik Radacic

We hope you found Patrik’s tips useful

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