Insider tips from top Udimi vendor Patrik Radacic

We promised you last time that we’d have some expert advice for you, well here it is. The following tips are from expert Udimi seller Patrik Radacic​.

Let’s hand it straight over to Patrik…

To begin with let me make one thing clear – the real money is in the follow ups. I’ll explain in more detail later – but please keep that one sentence in mind.

Here’s my top tips.

1. Sales percentage

When you buy solo ads on Udimi, after the order is completed, you’re given the opportunity to rate the seller. Your choice is “Got sales”; “No sales”; or “Not applicable”.

This feedback is added up to provide the seller with a percentage score showing successful sales. The higher the number, the better their ratio of sales to non-sales. This gives you a useful metric with which to rank sellers.

However, do bear in mind that the sales percentage score is not the whole story. As a vendor, I know from experience that sales sometimes don’t come in until later in the process, after following up.

Or sometimes the buyer might send their traffic to a ClickBank offer (which I really wouldn’t recommend – more on that below).

My point is – pay attention to the sales percentage score, but don’t judge a seller only on this metric.

2. Top tier countries

“Top tier” traffic refers to traffic from English speaking countries, so the USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia (plus some others).

Research suggests that these countries have high levels of disposable income and are more likely to make online purchases.

So adding the Top Tier option guarantees you will receive traffic from these countries, which is likely to improve your sales.

Buy solo ad today at Udimi


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