Buy solo ads from Iga Semprimonik on Udimi

Only 100% High-quality | Top tier traffic from Top Countries! | High response | Best solo ads | *New fresh subscriber added*

Iga Semprimonik
Iga Semprimonik solo ad seller
Iga Semprimonik
From Slovenia.
Time: 00:08
Seen 3 years ago.
Member for 3 years
4.8 (8)

Buy Solo Ad

300 clicks
4 Nov 2024
Total: $123.00
$120.00 clicks + $3 fee
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About me and my offer
If you're looking for high quality email traffic for your affiliate offers, you've come to the right place. If your offer is a good fit for my traffic, here's what you can expect: ⚠ I am new to Udimi, but I am not new to the Solo traffic game! I have 2 years of experience. This is industry-leading traffic! But also because I am new on Udimi these mean, a lot of new people and hungry buyers is waiting for you ✔️You get 10% OVER DELIVERY. (If you buy 100, you will get 110.) ✔️ *100% top tier clicks* - you can expect a steady flow of top tier visitors from United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These people have the buyer mindset and ability to spend. Plus, they speak English. ✔️ The Highest In CUSTOMER CARE ✔️** 100% T1, top tier, (90% US,10% CA, UK )** available for an additional price. ✔️ *24-hour delivery* - I am committed to delivering for you within 24 hours of you submitting your order. Money loves speed! ❗READ BEFORE YOU BUY ❗: ❗ Refunds after delivering more than 50% of the order are unavailable . ✔️ I do my best for highest list quality, but I can never guarantee any kind of results ❗ There are high chances you will make sales during the actual run of my traffic. It might happen that sales do not occur immediately. ✔️ Feedback is always welcome, I see any customer as a partner I work with.
top tier
make money
Biz op
Money online
Personal dev
What is a solo ad?
Solo ads are email-based advertisements that are sent to a seller's email list on behalf of the buyer.
What are the benefits of buying a solo ad?
Solo ads can quickly drive targeted traffic to your offer, often resulting in leads and sales.
How does buying a solo ad work?
Select the desired click count, provide your link, and complete the payment process. The seller will send your advertising to their email list.
How long will it take for my solo ad to be delivered?
The seller will deliver your order within 100 hours or less.
How can I track the results of my solo ad?
Udimi tracks and filters your clicks automatically. You don't have to use any external tracking.
What is the source of your clicks?
If you place an order with me, you will have exclusive access to great email lists of fresh solo ad prospects that are thoroughly engaged.
What percentage of your traffic is top tier?
My traffic is 100% top tier by default and if you want, I can even do 100% top tier.
When will my order go out?
Your order will go out within 24 hours of you submitting your order through Udimi dashboard and delivered within a day max. Most orders are fulfilled the same day
Does your list have buyers?
Yes, buyers included!
My leads are mostly from Making Money Online, Business Opportunities, Crypto, and Multi Level Marketing niches
Do you have Fresh traffic ?
Yes! I add 350+ users daily so it is always fresh.
Average traffic geography
Top tier countries
91% United States
3% United Kingdom
1% Canada
5% all the rest
Filtered clicks
Ratings from buyers
8 ratings