Buy solo ads from Michael Hetterick on Udimi

Michael Hetterick solo ad seller
Michael Hetterick
Time: 11:50
Seen 10 years ago.
Member for 10 years
Buyer ratings of Michael Hetterick
Arjan Van Hemert
Arjan Van Hemert
17 Aug 2015
Awesome buyer. Thanks for doing business with me. I hope to serve you again in future.
Udimi stats: Received 127 out of 100 visitors (+27%)
Angelo Sayson
Angelo Sayson
2604 / 1
17 Aug 2015
Excellent buyer! Thank you for your business... I look forward to working with you again :)
Udimi stats: Received 160 out of 150 visitors (+7%)
John Coburn
John Coburn
3230 / 13
17 Aug 2015
Great buyer thanks
Udimi stats: Received 102 out of 100 visitors (+2%)
Heather Alessandra
Heather Alessandra
1526 / 1
17 Aug 2015
Hope you got some great optins!
Udimi stats: Received 165 out of 150 visitors (+10%)
Heather Alessandra
Heather Alessandra
1526 / 1
17 Aug 2015
Hope you got some great optins!
Udimi stats: Received 127 out of 100 visitors (+27%)