Solo ads $0.43 per click Jesus Acosta: *LIMITED TIME OPPORTUNITY*


* Currently Growing My List At High Rate * 1000-2000 Newly Added Subs Daily * 100% Top Tier Traffic * 10% Or More Over Delivery Guaranteed

Jesus Acosta
Jesus Acosta solo ad seller
Jesus Acosta
From United States.
Time: 23:56
Seen 2 years ago.
Member for 7 years
4.8 (11)

Buy Solo Ad

$0.43 (12% off)
500 clicks
17 Jan 2025
Total: $218.00
$245.00 clicks + $3 fee - $30.00 solo deal discount
About me and my offer
NEW TO UDIMI, NOT NEW TO SOLO ADS I Learned From The Best, Now I'm Taking It To An Entirely New Level! I've Been Coached By The Greats & Learned Their Inner Workings, I'm Putting My Own Spin On Things And It's Time For You To Reap The Rewards. Here's What You Can Expect From Doing A Solo Ad With Me: 1) Only 100% Top Tier Traffic! 2) Buyers From My Products Always Included (Unlike Most Solo Sellers, I have actual Substantial Info Products where I mail buyers your offer). 3) Fast Delivery! I am constantly building my list to build on my front end products, So I have new buyers coming in all the time! 4) It is Highly Recommended to have a capture page, this way you can get the leads and follow up with them thru an autoresponder series. Once you have the lead it is yours for the life of that lead and you can nurture and help them with a variety of offers that will help solve their problems. 5) My Traffic is Best Suited for Make Money Online, Multi Level Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Business Opportunities, Work From Home Offers, Warrior Plus, CPA, CPL and like offers. I Hope I've answered any questions you might have, if there's any questions you still have or are on the fence about feel free to reach out to me anytime. I will do whatever I can to help you in any way.
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Solo Ads
What is a solo ad?
Solo ads are email-based advertisements that are sent to a seller's email list on behalf of the buyer.
What are the benefits of buying a solo ad?
Solo ads can quickly drive targeted traffic to your offer, often resulting in leads and sales.
How does buying a solo ad work?
Select the desired click count, provide your link, and complete the payment process. The seller will send your advertising to their email list.
How long will it take for my solo ad to be delivered?
The seller will deliver your order within 100 hours or less.
How can I track the results of my solo ad?
Udimi tracks and filters your clicks automatically. You don't have to use any external tracking.
Average traffic geography
Top tier countries
88% United States
3% Canada
3% Australia
3% United Kingdom
1% New Zealand
2% all the rest
Filtered clicks
Testimonials from buyers of solo deal