2 posts / 0 likes

I have an online shop and I wanted to know if it can be promoted via here Udimi. If there is any seller who can promote an online shop via a landing page. Let me know.

85 posts / 27 likes

Hi Fernando,

You can basically use any landing page to advertise here on Udimi. However, an opt-in page is a typical landing page used for solo ads as collecting leads and sending follow-up emails is vital to generating sales/income when using solo ads as your method of advertising.

Customer Support

2 posts / 0 likes

Thank you so much for your answer. Just looking for a seller that would accept the landing page which shows my shop. But an opt-in is included since it's an Adweber via Shopify.

8 posts / 1 like

Hello Fernando G. What is your vertical? Can I see your landing page? I can help you. My tech can create custom lists for each client and vertical. (Fernando es un nombre español. Soy español y hablo este idioma de forma nativa por si fuera necesario). Te mando un saludo.


My Solo Deal Link, Here: https://udimi.com/solodeals/10405-rrr-special-offer-real-people-real-leads-real-results?uid=sryqv