Forum Solo ads Good News! Heatmaps published!

627 posts / 570 likes

Hi All,

Today we published beta of heatmaps engine I announced earlier.

It will start working automatically for all domains with OPTIN TRACKING installed.

Soon we will publish videos too!

Good luck!

Uncle Dimitry.

5.0 (98)
10 posts / 5 likes

How can I install OPTIN TRACKING? Makes no sense to this Newbie? Is there a video that shows how to do this? Thanks, Richard - DaCobraman

See attach

5.0 (1475)
23 posts / 8 likes

Good stuff Dimitry! Will this also be added to FilterClicks?

5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes
Uncle Dimitry
Uncle Dimitry on 10 Feb 2015 at 19:12

Hi All, Today we published beta of heatmaps engine I announced earlier. It will start working automatically for all domains with OPTIN TRACKING installed. Soon we will publish videos too! Good luck! Uncle Dimitry.

sounds great thanks

5.0 (1)
3 posts / 0 likes
Uncle Dimitry
Uncle Dimitry on 10 Feb 2015 at 19:12

Hi All, Today we published beta of heatmaps engine I announced earlier. It will start working automatically for all domains with OPTIN TRACKING installed. Soon we will publish videos too! Good luck! Uncle Dimitry.

Hi I hate to ask this question but can you tell me how the leads we buy works? do these people get paid to hop in on websites? because all my leads never seems to be interested in the information they are suppose to be seeking, they give wrong number, they do not answer the phone or they don't want to know.. Why should we keep buying them? if I hoped in a website for some interest I would lesion and show some interest .

5.0 (72)
9 posts / 10 likes
Richard Winters
Richard Winters on 10 Feb 2015 at 20:47

How can I install OPTIN TRACKING? Makes no sense to this Newbie? Is there a video that shows how to do this? Thanks, Richard - DaCobraman See attach

Go to My Settings in the left hand menu - then click Optin Tracking at the top of the page and follow the directions :)

Thanks Uncle Dimitry!

5.0 (72)
9 posts / 10 likes
Maybel Williams
Maybel Williams on 11 Feb 2015 at 18:44

Hi I hate to ask this question but can you tell me how the leads we buy works? do these people get paid to hop in on websites? because all my leads never seems to be interested in the information they are suppose to be seeking, they give wrong number, they do not answer the phone or they don't want

I know you addressed this question to Uncle Dimitry, but I had a few free minutes so i thought i'd pitch in my 2 cents. The solo sellers here are "mostly" bizopp/make money online solo ad sellers. You should look at each sellers profile to see if your offer is geared to their list - I see you don't have any feedback ratings either. Please feel free to message me and I will review your offer and make some helpful suggestions. Gina :)

627 posts / 570 likes
Georgina Gunning
Georgina Gunning on 11 Feb 2015 at 19:51

I know you addressed this question to Uncle Dimitry, but I had a few free minutes so i thought i'd pitch in my 2 cents. The solo sellers here are "mostly" bizopp/make money online solo ad sellers. You should look at each sellers profile to see if your offer is geared to their list - I see you don't

thanks Gina for your help!

I hope more people will use optin tracking to improve their results

Best, Uncle Dimitry.

here's a screen from one of the solos

See attach

5.0 (1)
3 posts / 0 likes

Thanks for the help I went to the optin tracker and do not understand, where should I put the link, and the last set of leads I bought I only saw 12 of those leads this is not the first time this happen can you help please.

5.0 (109)
10 posts / 3 likes

That is absolutely class :)

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

@maybel hello for optin tracking you need to put a piece of code on your thks page or page that the lead goes to directly after optin so that way will track the conversion/optins etc... Hope helps. Rick Ling P.S What do you mean you only seen 12 of your last leads so you bought 100 clicks and got only 12 optiins is that what you mean Maybel?

5.0 (23)
1 post / 0 likes

Can you explain more what it is please.

thanks! gena

5.0 (8)
1 post / 1 like
Maybel Williams
Maybel Williams on 11 Feb 2015 at 18:44

Hi I hate to ask this question but can you tell me how the leads we buy works? do these people get paid to hop in on websites? because all my leads never seems to be interested in the information they are suppose to be seeking, they give wrong number, they do not answer the phone or they don't want

Tell me about it! Of course there are people who sign up simply to take advantage of the free offer, but in many cases the non responsive ones would be from wrongly targeted lists. I have personally stopped buying cheap clicks because almost all the time I have paid less than $0.30 I have ended up with non responsive subscribers!

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Hey William generally if leads are cheap they won't be of quality and non responsive for sure but mostly also depends on seller and whether or not an offer is saturated or not too.. Good Luck it is a trial and error game for sure solo buying alright.. You will get alot of rubbish to get the good lead that's the game. Rick Ling

4.9 (188)
55 posts / 45 likes

Awesome Always Adding Great Features!

5.0 (109)
10 posts / 3 likes

Hey, I no longer use this email address you can contact me at [email protected] Kind Regards,Shane Drumm