Forum Solo ads Can I get back lost points?

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Hi there,

I've been here less than a week so please bear with me.

After buying a solo earlier today, I realised that I had forgotten to modify my existing swipe with new tracking links. Note that the solo does not take effect until Feb 26. Not seeing any way to modify the swipe attached to the solo, I cancelled the deal, created a new swipe from the existing one and repeated the EXACT same solo deal (provider, date, clicks, etc.).

To my dismay, I got a message saying that I'd lost 100 points due to the cancellation. I understand trying to discourage playing around with deals and wasting people's time but, given the fact that I rectified the situation before any adverse effects could arise, I think that I'm entitled to a reversal. Has anyone else faced this problem before? How can the penalty be waived?

I searched for similar, existing posts and found none so apologies if this new thread was unnecessary.


5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes
Kevin Clarke
Kevin Clarke on 23 Feb 2015 at 16:47

Hi there, I've been here less than a week so please bear with me. After buying a solo earlier today, I realised that I had forgotten to modify my existing swipe with new tracking links. Note that the solo does not take effect until Feb 26. Not seeing any way to modify the swipe attached to the solo,

send a message to support they may help you tell them your a newbie ok

5.0 (2)
4 posts / 0 likes

Thanks for the response, Liz. I don't see a support link. The Help section doesn't have any topics that include my issue and I see no way to submit my own ticket.

5.0 (1475)
23 posts / 8 likes

Kevin. Go to Help and you will see a "My Tickets" column. Go there and then submit your ticket

5.0 (2)
4 posts / 0 likes

Thanks, Adrian. Thought that "My Tickets" was only for existing tickets... I feel kinda silly :)

5.0 (1475)
23 posts / 8 likes

No problem Kevin.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Hey Kevin probably the better to get things corrected is just message the seller and they modify on there end I guess if no response and nothing then possibly cancel.. what tracking link though are you referring cause they make one for you here from your link or your referring to your link before it made into the UDIMI link which can cause probs if have two tracking links before it gets to the actual offer.. Rick Ling