Just now I had a solo that said refund in 22 hours, and I could deliver 100+ clicks in the interval, and 2 minutes later it was refunded??
Just now I had a solo that said refund in 22 hours, and I could deliver 100+ clicks in the interval, and 2 minutes later it was refunded??
Sound like the buyer requested refund check with support to be sure
No Liz because I talked with the buyer
Hmm never heard of it being auto refunded without Buyer requesting it but stranger things have happened before Adrian.... when time is up for solo it then does give the option for buyer to get a refund 100 hrs I think it is... what I think is a little silly its 100 hrs for 50 clicks but also 500 clicks hmm.....??? Rick Ling
Adrian is correct, I've heard about and seen this myself. Yet another great feature for us sellers, I mean buyers.
I asked about this a few days ago when this change was implemented. You will have 50 hours AFTER your deadline to deliver and if you do so, you will get paid (or at least I did). Here is what support wrote to me.....
Hello Craig.
It`s new function on our website.
In case if 100 hours have gone and clicks were not delivered, system after 50 hours automatically gives refund to the buyer,additional cost for the refund and lost points apply. The buyer can cancel an automatic countdown on his solo page if he wants to.
Seller can ask the buyer to stop an automatic countdown. Best regards, Udimi Support Team
Interesting --- no let's say the 100 hours pass and you have delivered 75 clicks of 100 ..... and the buyer gets a refund of the undelivered 25 clicks ....... you sold the solo for $40 ..... the buyer gets the $10 refunded for the undelivered clicks ----- where has the other $30 gone for the delivered clicks ?
If that makes sense ......
I believe you get the remaining $30 Tommy. That's my understanding. More importantly, after the initial 100 hours, you still have another 50 hours to deliver. That's how it worked for me at least.
Either way, with all of these questions and new changes being made, you would THINK that serious notifications would be going out to all sellers regarding these changes. It appears that everyone else is learning about them as we go, without notice of any kind, just like it happened to me. I feel like if the buyer and seller are communicating, Udimi should stay out of it personally. I don't run this site though so...that's my 2 cents.
Craig - you don't balance of undelivered refunds to buyer - the seller it seems gets nothing for delivered clicks I am lead to be live and is also charged a refund fee as well??
@Tommy, you get paid for everything that you deliver. for example if from a 500 solo you deliver 380, you will be paid for those 380 clicks.
The seller gets nothing and is charged a refund few as we so where does the delivered clicks money go if seller does not receive it and buyer receives a partial refund - anyone?
@Tommy as I said! You get paid for the clicks you deliver! I went through this process and I know how it goes
I think that it was better before when the buyer manually requested the refund after the deadline. Because there are some people that don't mind getting slow consistent clicks. For example on a 500clicks solo I agreed with a buyer to 50-60 clicks/day but now he will automatically get a refund and that isn't good at all!