Forum Solo ads Looking for Sellers who sent out MLM related Solo's

1 post / 0 likes

Hi Guys and Gals I am looking to promote one of my businesses which is partially in the MLM Niche, who can provide me with solo's?

thnx in advance

Frank van Zon

6 posts / 3 likes

Hi Frank. Yup - we can send out MLM mailers. We have a separate MLM list and it converts well. Lets talk :)

120 / 1
35 posts / 7 likes

Hi Frank, all of my subscribers are business opportunity seekers. Hope it will be effective for your MLM offer. I tested that 50- 60% is optin rate.

179 / 9
55 posts / 45 likes
Frank Van Zon
Frank Van Zon on 30 Mar 2015 at 18:00

Hi Guys and Gals I am looking to promote one of my businesses which is partially in the MLM Niche, who can provide me with solo's? thnx in advance Frank van Zon

I have opening if you still need a solo

3 posts / 1 like

hi Frank, My list is also MLM targeted.

364 / 15
73 posts / 37 likes
Frank Van Zon
Frank Van Zon on 30 Mar 2015 at 18:00

Hi Guys and Gals I am looking to promote one of my businesses which is partially in the MLM Niche, who can provide me with solo's? thnx in advance Frank van Zon

Send me a PM

2270 / 5
339 posts / 161 likes
Frank Van Zon
Frank Van Zon on 30 Mar 2015 at 18:00

Hi Guys and Gals I am looking to promote one of my businesses which is partially in the MLM Niche, who can provide me with solo's? thnx in advance Frank van Zon

If you still need a solo my list does well MLM

1 post / 1 like

Hi Frank, my list is MLM / Internet Marketing / MMO / Bizopp targeted