age filtering is hard to obtain with solo, unless someone has exclusively captured it. you might wanna try facebook ads.
Thanks, finding that out through private messaging people. Facebook is killing my budget with very sad results :(
William Schuler on 8 Apr 2015 at 21:10
Thanks, finding that out through private messaging people. Facebook is killing my budget with very sad results :(
i just PM you
Looking for opt-in Clicks (for a health/fitness report) from people over 45 years old. I'm new at this so I don't know how much info you'll need... they opt-in page is at The user will receive a very substantial report (22 pages, single spaced, 11pt font) which includes, of course, a sales offer at the end. They'll receive two more daily emails about the same product: Another downloadable health related report geared toward the 45-50+ crowd, and then a text email.
The age range (45 and over) is VERY important.
Thanks, Bill