Hi Carmena, got a screenshot so I can take a look into it?
HI James, thanks for your response. Here is a screenshot of the results of my last broadcast with subs only from the Udimi solos I bought recently. 91% bounce rate and zero open rates.
Here is the image
See attach
Hi Carmena, that is 0.91 bounce rate less then 1%...if I would guess the reason why you have such a low open rate is your using a autoresponder other the the big 3...Aweber..Getresponse or icontact...your email is probably not getting into the inbox of your intended recipient..what autoresponder are you using? Open rates of 5 and 8% is pretty good
A list of 110?
Hi Carmena, that is 0.91 bounce rate less then 1%...if I would guess the reason why you have such a low open rate is your using a autoresponder other the the big 3...Aweber..Getresponse or icontact...your email is probably not getting into the inbox of your intended recipient..what autoresponder are
No that is an image from Get Response.
Oh that is very low... try to send more blasts...and test with different subjects....110 is a small group
HI James, thanks for your response. Here is a screenshot of the results of my last broadcast with subs only from the Udimi solos I bought recently. 91% bounce rate and zero open rates. Here is the image See attach
1. Your list really is tool small. I assume this list is made up of freebie seekers so getting 0 opens and clicks isn't so abnormal on a list of 110.
2. Your subject line does not contain a STRONG CALL TO ACTION. Those are even MORE IMPORTANT when your list is so small.
Try sending an email with subject line being "Please Open This Now" and see what happens. Or try something like "Please Reply To Me" and asking them to write you back if they got this email.
Hope that Helps,
Hi all, thanks for your input. I'll definitely try the suggestions above.
Oh that is very low... try to send more blasts...and test with different subjects....110 is a small group
Just sending "blasts" with different subject line is not particularly helpful advise especially with someone who only has a list of 110. Frankly it is sure way to give up and fail.
So I am going to give you the single best piece of advice another marketer gave me a while back regarding subject lines.
Take your inspiration from high volume magazine covers. Reasons being these companies pay millions to write and test headlines.
If you study them long enough you will see there is a formula to it.
Take the image below:
"4 things all confident women do in bed"
could be 4 things all Millionaire Marketers Do To Make Money
or 4 Things All Buyers do Before Buying
"Win at Work" <-- Heck you don't even need to rewrite that. Makes a great subject line.
or could be Win at IM or Win at List Building
point is take your inspiration from the best.. Don't just guess. You will waste more time doing that.
See attach
Great advice on subject line! With a 0 open I'd be be looking for a gremlin with a bad attitude .
I had recently bought solos from sellers that had pretty good metrics with subs from top tier countries and got a good amount of opt ins. When I went to schedule a broadcast through my email service provider, the vast majority of my subs looked to be located in Eastern Russia, with none in Western Europe, Australia and only 3 in North America. Does that indicate where the subs are actually located or the server for their emails?