hmm not sure but think it happens in auto 30 days later after the solo is completed/excepted but don't quote me on that.. Rick Ling
Thanks Rick, but Udimi Team replied as below
Go to the "Make money" section and press "My promoters". Next to the each promoter you will see the amount of sales. "Pay" - means that you have to pay your promoters. "Paid"- means that nothing should be paid yet. Commission can be sent after the successful solo delivery. You can send them manually, or if you forget to do that, our automatic system will send them to your promoters in 35 days.
Ok there you are paid if don't pay em in 35 days was it or something I didn't know that either hmm...
Hmm don't see anything that say my promoters but maybe no one to pay hence not showing hmm..
I have a solo which was referred by another udimi user, and now I am supposed to transfer the commission to him. But I do not see any option to transfer to his udimi account.
Is the only way to withdraw and send to JV's paypal email? No way to send directly to his udimi account?