Forum Solo ads Seller's should be more clear about their clicks

5.0 (1)
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If certain filters aren't checked, please can sellers display on their profiles the type of ballpark clicks we can still expect. I've been testing sellers and so far the non-checked filters have resulted in a bit of mickey taking...

Left the mobile filter unchecked - got 80% mobile clicks - absurd.

Left the Tier 1 box unchecked with another seller - got 55% Tier 1 - very poor.

It goes on.

I came to Udimi thinking it would be an improvement on the Facebook groups. So far in my tests (I do use tracking links, you know, I can see whats going on), the quality of sellers has been poor. My trackers show me sellers I found on FB provided better, more professional clicks and less junk. I'm talking only 25% mobile clicks, 0 web clicks (all email), over 80% T1, etc, and the prices really were only ~$2-ish higher than I paid here.

I'm open to being proven wrong and putting this to bad luck, I had high hopes for this community and still want to enjoy success on here. It can start by being more transparent about expected clicks on sellers profiles.

Then the power is with the buyer.

I know there is a graph on the profile but my tracking stats are showing different, and a seller has told me that those graphs aren't accurate anyway.

Also, another thread mentioned mandatory feedback from buyers, I suggest that the feedback be implemented in the following format:

Clicks ordered/received: 100/121 Optin rate: 36% T1 (if not filtered): 87% Mobile (if not filtered): 38% Web (if not filtered): 5% Sales: 2 - And at what price, frontend or in follow up sequence?

Please can we get that implemented this way Dimitri? That'll sort the legits from the nots.

5.0 (680)
62 posts / 27 likes

I don't agree with that -- Uncle D has it just right in my opinion and give the lack of experience with some buyers that don't even provide a swipe or just a link or a PLR kicked to death free offer then it is not the Sellers issue ---- the buyer has the choice of what filters to choose or not --- I and other sellers have very good feedback with out being kicked for poor funnels/offers etc .from inexperienced buyers etc ....... All you may do is have buyers stop giving feedback as they would not know where to start or just fill in anything

5.0 (1)
15 posts / 8 likes

I'm unclear what you're saying, in that what relevance the offer and swipe has on sellers being transparent about the ballpark of clicks their customers would get with basic filters switched on...? I for one have a very professional swipe and don't do PLR stuff, only unique offers, but I'm unimpressed by the quality of clicks I've gotten here so far compared to other places, let alone the lack of clarity.

So buyers should be better informed about what they're getting from sellers with normal filters selected. To that end, the 2 proposals of

a) sellers being transparent on their profile pages about the ballpark types of clicks they provide their customers with basic filters on. (80% mobile is something that should be highlighted). Maybe fixing those graphs would help.


b) buyers giving feedback according to the 1st post's criteria

would be marked improvements to the buyers' user experience. The second is done quite easily and similarly on Facebook all the time, it's not a problem nor complicated.

And it's very beneficial feedback for the buyers to see.

In a nutshell, Udimi is to serve buyers first, sellers are there to provide a service. That includes being transparent about the types of clicks they deliver before buyers buy from them. I'm not asking for pinpoint accuracy, just average figures (i.e 20% mobile or 80% is a different ballpark)

And if sellers can provide transparent and quality clicks, that transparent competition would force them to raise their game and the quality of Udimi as a whole, and I for one buyer can engage in a long term and trustful business relationship with sellers. That's what I want to have with sellers here.

5.0 (680)
62 posts / 27 likes

My point was mandatory feedback etc - I am well aware of Facebook groups etc but from my experience the majority of buyers here are not as experienced as Facebook groups etc will end up no feedback being left at all ..or upset no sales - no fault of seeler as their offer/funnel etc ....... Udimi may not be perfect but in all the years I have been on Safe Swaps /Udimi etc this is as ballanced as it is been and sellers actually getting treated fairly ......... I think it is as in Facebook -- good results bad --- probably best to test some more .......I wont be changing what I do :)

5.0 (1)
15 posts / 8 likes

Understood, I see. But "Good seller" as feedback means nothing, there must be a better way for prospective buyers to know what they're getting when they buy. The funny thing is the Facebook pages have no filters but the quality has still been better, probably because of the feedback accountability. Surely there is room for improvement here if we rub our grey-matter together.

Perhaps next to the filters section pictured, there can be estimated % clicks for each between "included" and "Info" that the seller can fill. That way if they say 20% mobile if unchecked, then we know not to expect 80% mobile.

If newbies get no sales & optins with a rubbish funnel, I sympathize with you, they won't necessarily get upset if they're newbies. Those who are experienced and regular buyers will give more accurate feedback, and we'll get an improvement over "Good seller". Especially if the raw stats of T1, web, proxy, mobile stat reports are provided (which they are) for buyers to repeat in their feedback.

Basically, the purchase system is still not transparent currently, I don't know what I'm buying, and I'm getting unpleasant surprises. More unreliable than Facebook pages which seems have better solos even without it, because they're accountable to feedback. There is great potential in the Udimi system that just needs to be realised.

Sellers can start this transparency now if they wanted, just by writing on their profile blurbs what their click stats are instead of "fantastic bargain!" "500 solos sold!" which tells us nothing, sorry to say.

See attach

5.0 (815)
94 posts / 106 likes

The whole point of the click filters is so buyers can choose what kind of clicks they want. If you do not want any mobile clicks, all you have to do is filter out mobile clicks. I have personally had lots of experience buying out of the Facebook groups and most of the time I got ripped off. I have never been ripped off on Udimi. Not one time.

Udimi is easily the safest and best place to buy solos on the entire Internet. It was great before, but now with the new filters it is almost impossible to get ripped off if you know what you are doing.

Also, if you look at a sellers profile, it will tell you the average percentage of top-tier traffic you can expect.

5.0 (680)
62 posts / 27 likes

Agree with you @Christopher Mollo - I don't see the big issue as this is not Facebook - you won't get ripped off - choose filters if you don't want mobile apply filters. Etc - :) as mentiooned if buyers forced into mandatory feedback they won't leave it or make it up so how that helps others I don't know

5.0 (1)
15 posts / 8 likes

I think we're speaking at cross purposes, because I'm saying there should be more clarity with what clicks are provided if basic filters are selected. 20% or 80% mobile? 60% T1 or 90% T1?The difference is huge and sellers know perfectly well what ballpark they will be providing, they only have to be clear about it before the buyers buy.

Lets be honest here, those filter markups are deliberately priced out of the market, $1 markup each click for non-mobile gets nobody a decent ROI even with the best funnels - which is fine, just let us know what we WILL get with normal filter settings, then buyers know what they're getting Vs other sellers.

I'm not sure why there is opposition from sellers to be more transparent about their clicks on their profiles. Those graphs could be helpful, but I understand they aren't accurate (your own graph says 66% T1 average but you say minimum 70%), and could do with more bars on it.

But sellers can do this without the graphs anyway, just say what the proxy, web, mobile etc clicks are on your profile blurbs, or somewhere on the "Buy Solo" page, or have buyers give specific feedback stats for future buyers to read. Basically, sellers must better inform buyers as to what they're getting before they buy, which they're not.

5.0 (1)
15 posts / 8 likes
Tommy Mclaughlin
Tommy Mclaughlin on 23 Jun 2015 at 08:05

Agree with you @Christopher Mollo - I don't see the big issue as this is not Facebook - you won't get ripped off - choose filters if you don't want mobile apply filters. Etc - :) as mentiooned if buyers forced into mandatory feedback they won't leave it or make it up so how that helps others I don't

I've already explained they won't make it up: the raw stats are the raw stats, there is nothing to make up, especially since Udimi provides buyers with them. Then buyers can add the rest if they wish. If they don't, those who are experienced and regular buyers will give more complete feedback, and we'll get an improvement over "Good seller", which tells buyers nothing at all. I can't see how less accurate feedback is a good thing.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Hey Sam first on FB never seen them say what % of mobile clicks will or won't be sending yet... maybe a buyers says in feedback... here the filters are really high even when basic filters on T1 totally agree should be no less than 70% and mobile like 25-30% of total clicks but think are filtered out even if basic filters if more agree is unacceptable. Not 100% sure though if works correctly here have had bad experiences buying too but ya get that... That is why only sell at the moment.. I think though if your traffic source to build a listed PPC/L then a lot or most are mobile clicks I have found I guess cause zclicking banners initially to optin... Rick Ling

5.0 (815)
94 posts / 106 likes
Sam Farnham
Sam Farnham on 23 Jun 2015 at 08:55

I've already explained they won't make it up: the raw stats are the raw stats, there is nothing to make up, especially since Udimi provides buyers with them. Then buyers can add the rest if they wish. If they don't, those who are experienced and regular buyers will give more complete feedback, and w

I don't think you really understand how Udimi works at all. Everything is 100% transaparent. If you look at a sellers profile before you order their average top-tier and mobile stats are there for you to see. If you want to order form that seller and get all top-tier and no mobile, you have the ability to select those filters.

I'm not sure what you mean by a "$1 markup" for each click. I only charge an extra .25 for top-tier added to my base price, meaning if you want all top-tier clicks from me you will pay around .70 per click or something. That's a lot lower than most of the sellers over on Facebook.

Facebook is great if you want to pay $80 for 100 clicks and then get all bot clicks and fake subscribers. The place is loaded with scammers and you can't know what you are buying unless you happen to find an honest seller who you can then order from again.

Also, you keep talking about buyer's leaving a "Good seller." comment. That is only left if the buyer decides to rate the seller "Good" and then not leave their own comment. All buyers have the ability to leave their own custom comments. All you have to do is look at my feedback and you will see how many buyers got sales from my solos.

Uncle Dimity has worked hard to make Udimi the fairest and most transparent solo site on the web today, and he has done a great job.

Speaking from the perspective of a seller, I have no problem telling you exactly what you will receive as a buyer from me. All you have to do is ask. Then if you order and you do not get what you were promised, you are more than welcome to leave negative feedback.

I'm not trying to insult you, but you seem to be making statements without having all of the facts as to how this site is actually set up.

5.0 (680)
62 posts / 27 likes

Ditto - some detailed feedback in my profile for those that want to leave it -as with Chris I have no issue at all with set up - as Chris also states ask the seller before buying if you need a breakdown of everything before buying - as to Udimi stats they are not too far off in my opinion

5.0 (1)
15 posts / 8 likes
Christopher Mollo
Christopher Mollo on 23 Jun 2015 at 09:06

I don't think you really understand how Udimi works at all. Everything is 100% transaparent. If you look at a sellers profile before you order their average top-tier and mobile stats are there for you to see. If you want to order form that seller and get all top-tier and no mobile, you have the abil

No you're not being insulting at all.

"Good seller" is subjective and tells buyers nothing of what was actually provided, a newbie buyer may think the solo was "Good", but it doesn't tell people if it really was or not. That's why the actual stats is more accurate, then we will decide if it's good or not.

If you're referring to the graphs, yes that could be useful, but apparently they aren't accurate - like I said, your graph says your average T1 is 66% and your written blurb says minimum 70% - which is correct? Heather Alessandra also says they're not accurate.

Put it this way, if normal filters are selected, then you get 80% mobile clicks sent, that isn't clear anywhere on the page, and is a bit naughty, buyers should know that beforehand.

I looked at your profile and indeed you seem to have better markups, other, very prominent sellers markup $1 for certain filters.

Put it another way, if you filled the following stats about your basic filter solos, how would you fill them (ballpark)?:

T1: % Mobile: % Web: % Datacenter: % Proxy: %

See that's how sellers can be transparent, if they fill that then put it on your profile blurbs - now buyers can clearly see and know what they're getting with no surprises like 80% mobile or 55% T1.

If a buyer sees Seller A has 20% mobile and 70% T1, and Seller B has 60% mobile and 90% T1, with normal filters, we can choose what seller we want to do business with - because there is transparency and clarity.

Or have those graphs improved.

You put up a staunch defense of Dimitri and let me be clear that my problem doesn't lie with Dimitri or Udimi at all, it is with the lack of transparency of sellers on here, Udimi has huge potential for long term business partnerships.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Sam I think some actually don't know the answer on all stats T1 and mobile possibly but the others wouldn't know but if you selected those to be filtered out but pay more per click you would be guaranteed to get no mobile or any of the others T1 only also... Rick Ling

Sorry and some may not advertise mobile amounts cause in my experience mobile clicks are frowned upon if more than 30% I would have thought.... I do think though the mobile clicks are becoming more and more excepted everyday...

5.0 (1)
15 posts / 8 likes

Well I only want a guide, 20% or 80% is something they can certainly pinpoint to a ballpark, and is a world of difference to a solo ad. Then buyers know what they're getting.

If they're shy about advertising their mobile % then sorry but they should still be transparent about their services. Buyers should know what they're getting. If it was clear I'd get 80% mobile, or 55% T1 (different sellers), I wouldn't have bought, or at least know to select filters. But I would buy from other sellers with stats I did know about and could be happy with - that's the nature of the market. There isn't that transparency about normal filter clicks.

Again, putting these ballpark figures on their blurbs or on the "Buy Solo" page would help:

T1: % Mobile: % Web: % Datacenter: % Proxy: %

They can certainly do this.

But the graphs being made more accurate and with more metric bars would help greatly too as it takes it away from the seller, Along with buyers leaving statistical template feedback. Until then, sellers can do their bit as above.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Sam in the order area it say if you pick only basic filters u get the following but yeh not % mobile clicks nor T1 but if not at least 70% I would be saying something and if even that other 30% were a waste of time countries but thats me... ok ------  Base filters

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