I Can help with smaller orders :)
Thanx tommy that will be great, i look forward to doing business with you
I Can help with smaller orders :)
I am interested too Tommy. Simon I am interested in hearing your feedback.
Hi I am also new in the business and have a question. do you mean you are looking to buy small batches of clicks 50 to 100. What is the difference from clicks and solo ads.
Thanks Kimberly Mitchell Moneyflos
Kimberly -- A Solo Ad is a purchase of a certain volume of clicks to your Squeeze Page or Ad, ie- 50, 100, 200 , 500 , 1000, 2000 etc so the buyer can determine the size of the solo ad order by volume of clicks required ..... Hope that helps :)
NEW LIST just released. 100% Top Tier Clicks Guaranteed. I've some GREAT new buyers for you. I guarantee a minimum of 20% sing up
Hi everyone I am looking for sellers who will take smaller batches of clicks, from 50 to 100. I am only new to Udimi and would like to see how it rolls. Im in the online marketing niche and not looking for specific target regions but the closer to top tier the better.
Thankyou Simon