Forum Solo ads Traffic filter counting raw clicks, not Unique clicks

4.9 (1507)
59 posts / 36 likes

Has anyone noticed udimi not filtering double clicks? Shouldn't it only count unique clicks? not raw clicks?

4.9 (1507)
59 posts / 36 likes

Is that right?

5.0 (137)
11 posts / 5 likes
Mark Joel Haydin
Mark Joel Haydin on 15 Sep 2015 at 21:56

Has anyone noticed udimi not filtering double clicks? Shouldn't it only count unique clicks? not raw clicks?

I always check the stats and usually my clicks are 95%+ unique (at least). Dupes always get filtered just fine. Well, most of them.

4.9 (1507)
59 posts / 36 likes

Ok, Cool, I was worried that my buyer was getting double clicks from same people.