Forum Solo ads Click filter changes

626 posts / 570 likes

Few upcoming changes:

1. Search engine visits will be included in base filter

2. Multiple clicks from the same IP with the same OS fingerprint will be listed as duplicate

3. Maximum click filter prices will be limited to:

  • 15c Only top tier
  • 15c No mobile
  • 10c No datacenter
  • 10c No open proxy
  • 5c  No web traffic

Best, Uncle Dimitry.

28 posts / 12 likes

thx alot

192 / 5
29 posts / 22 likes

one question, i used my clickmagick to filter my clicks, and when it comes to udimi, it filter 1/3 of my clicks. How the filter in udimi actually works?

21 posts / 14 likes

Kuan Yee, clickmagic is traffic counter, Udimi is a traffic filter. It filters out all garbage left unfiltered by counters.

You can read how Udimi filter works in our help are. In addition, you can see the reason for each filtered click in "filtered" section

192 / 5
29 posts / 22 likes
Udimi Team
Udimi Team on 21 Sep 2015 at 08:36

Kuan Yee, clickmagic is traffic counter, Udimi is a traffic filter. It filters out all garbage left unfiltered by counters. You can read how Udimi filter works in our help are. In addition, you can see the reason for each filtered click in "filtered" section

thanks for the info.

1 post / 0 likes

thank uncle...

26 / 5
10 posts / 4 likes

that right...

2270 / 5
339 posts / 161 likes
Uncle Dimitry
Uncle Dimitry on 19 Sep 2015 at 08:35

Few upcoming changes: 1. Search engine visits will be included in base filter 2. Multiple clicks from the same IP with the same OS fingerprint will be listed as duplicate 3. Maximum click filter prices will be limited to: 15c Only top tier 15c No mobile 10c No datacenter 10c No open proxy 5c  No web

my filter prices are lower than that example top tier only goes to 10 cent on my setting

1526 / 1
239 posts / 246 likes
Udimi Team
Udimi Team on 21 Sep 2015 at 08:36

Kuan Yee, clickmagic is traffic counter, Udimi is a traffic filter. It filters out all garbage left unfiltered by counters. You can read how Udimi filter works in our help are. In addition, you can see the reason for each filtered click in "filtered" section

"clickmagic is traffic counter, Udimi is a traffic filter. It filters out all garbage left unfiltered by counters."

No this is not exactly true. While Udimi filter is the most sophisticated, Clickmagick also has some click garbage filtering as well.