If you wanted to overdeliver extra clicks to someone, how would you do this? if tried but the surprlus just gets redirected
There's an option in the "swipe" section in your clients order that allows your to set the OD to whatever % you like. Anything over that percentage will be redirected to your redirect link.
If you wanted to overdeliver extra clicks to someone, how would you do this? if tried but the surprlus just gets redirected
To change percentage go to "My settings" - "Seller set up"
See attach
Thanks guy but it looks like this is not available after the order is complete, if I wanted to send the buyer additional clicks how would I do that? I tried changing in the swipe section and sent more clicks it just redirects, same as in seller set up
Thanks guy but it looks like this is not available after the order is complete, if I wanted to send the buyer additional clicks how would I do that? I tried changing in the swipe section and sent more clicks it just redirects, same as in seller set up
Unfortunately you can`t send it now as the order was completed.
I have tried to send extra clicks a few times now without success. I do not get the same options as posted above in the images.
Trying to send extra clicks too but I don't have the options above.
Has this been fixed? Same thing today, sent extra clicks but its showing only the order#.
I would like to send my buyer some extra clicks. Has anyone figured it out? my order is still open:). Thanks everyone!!
I figured it out now.
I figured it out now.
ME too. lol It took us long enough. lol I had to ask around, but yeah, its working!!
If you wanted to overdeliver extra clicks to someone, how would you do this? if tried but the surprlus just gets redirected