Forum Solo ads Recent DDos Attack

627 posts / 570 likes

Hi All,

Recently we experienced DDOS attack on our server, which has already been mitigated, but our ISP doesn’t work on weekends, that’s why Udimi will be back online Monday.

I believe this is not the last attack, so stay tuned, while we fight with this crap.

Best, Uncle Dimitry.

5.0 (1044)
46 posts / 38 likes

udimi and was down again for couple hours. I resent my solos 4 times already. This is getting ridiculous!

error: CDbConnection failed to open DB connection

627 posts / 570 likes
Nicole K
Nicole K on 20 Oct 2015 at 20:54

udimi and was down again for couple hours. I resent my solos 4 times already. This is getting ridiculous! error: CDbConnection failed to open DB connection

we are working closely with professionals from ddos prevention company.

They handled several heavy attacks with zero server load, but for some reason they can't handle one simple attack, which goes on from time to time. That's why you can still see some interruptions. I believe this will be fixed real soon.

5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes
Uncle Dimitry
Uncle Dimitry on 20 Oct 2015 at 23:14

we are working closely with professionals from ddos prevention company. They handled several heavy attacks with zero server load, but for some reason they can't handle one simple attack, which goes on from time to time. That's why you can still see some interruptions. I believe this will be fixed re

thanks for update

627 posts / 570 likes

by the way, this attack was ordered by a scam we banned few days ago for fake bot traffic: Manny Hernandez.