Forum Solo ads need soloads

5.0 (4)
2 posts / 0 likes

Hi, i need to communicate with the sellers before i can buy from them How can i do that>?

5.0 (1527)
239 posts / 246 likes


Click on "Find Sellers" on top right of your screen.

Then click on a picture of a seller you like.

Then on sort of right you will see a little tiny button that looks like a message box. Click on that and you can send the seller a message.

Hope that helps,


5.0 (4)
2 posts / 0 likes

Thanks a lot . I will that


5.0 (320)
109 posts / 53 likes

HI Jane! You can also click on solo deals, click on the sellers you want to ask a question. Hit the buy a solo button, but do not confirm order, just go to the top right and hit the "thinking cloud picture" to message the seller before you ever purchase:). I use this method because I can see all of the specials offered on Udimi, and if I have questions for buyers, it is easy to get the information I need. Have a great day!!

4.9 (336)
72 posts / 23 likes

you can send messages here