Forum Solo ads Buyers & Sellers Communication Is Key!

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109 posts / 53 likes

I think as with everything else in life, buying and selling solos is a 2 way street. That is just my humble opinion.

Sellers: I have learned in my short time here that you must check out your buyers just like they check you out. Now it is rare you will see a buyer with a negative testimonial, but do your homework as best you can, and ask to keep lines of communication open from the start. Also make sure you check their swipe #lessonlearned

A seller that fails to start on time without telling the buyer why, this is poor communication in my opinion.

Buyers: Do your homework too. Ask questions before placing your order and set expectations BEFORE you order. If you have a "proven funnel" that converts let your seller know. lol

A buyer that places an order with a seller, gets the clicks they ordered with a great opt-in rate (but cries because they have not gotten a sale), then leaves a negative testimonial for the seller before giving them the opportunity to address the concern is poor communication in my opinion.

*We all want sales from a 50 click solo ad, but it doesn't always happen this way. lol*

You see, with the Udimi system, they have the best filter around, especially now, and they can spot bot traffic from 10 miles away. lol So just because you didnt get a sale, doesnt make it bot traffic. lol

I would encourage everyone, both buyers and sellers to do your homework. If you have questions, reach out to each other BEFORE placing the order, or accepting the order.

Keep lines of communication open always and of course have some fun!

I love this system,and I learn new things everyday.

Cheers Ya'll

Communication is KEY!!

27 posts / 12 likes

I agree with you Kay,communication is definitely KEY! Good luck with Udimi.