Forum Solo ads How the hell does this system works

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I bought three lots of solos, I have been charged for them, I have not been asked for my swipe so what goes on?

5.0 (43)
116 posts / 135 likes

Your swipe is usually loaded on the page when you buy the solo. You will have to message the seller and ask if they have it

5.0 (320)
109 posts / 53 likes

Hi Ken, Gary is so right. When you place the order, it will ask you to enter your swipe then, however, if you check the option to get a custom swipe from the seller, then it will not ask you for your swipe. I hope this helps:)

5.0 (2)
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Kay Gambrell
Kay Gambrell on 24 Nov 2015 at 15:25

Hi Ken, Gary is so right. When you place the order, it will ask you to enter your swipe then, however, if you check the option to get a custom swipe from the seller, then it will not ask you for your swipe. I hope this helps:)

I messed up I gave my three sellers the wrong swipe, how can I contact them to ask if they can correct my stupid mistake?

5.0 (10)
5 posts / 3 likes

Hi Ken, I usually will message them individually by clicking onto their names and then click onto the upper right hand box that will bring me to message them. Hope this helps.

5.0 (43)
116 posts / 135 likes

Also as an option if you cannot get a hold of the seller, you can always cancel and then reorder from them with the proper swipe.

5.0 (320)
109 posts / 53 likes

Also, if your order has not started yet, you can go in and adjust/change your swipe or link. I actually just found out this can be done because one of my customers just did it! I would assume if you go to your solos tab, it will give you an option to edit it. The seller has the option to accept or reject the new swipe. I hope this helps:)

5.0 (2)
4 posts / 1 like
Kay Gambrell
Kay Gambrell on 25 Nov 2015 at 07:12

Also, if your order has not started yet, you can go in and adjust/change your swipe or link. I actually just found out this can be done because one of my customers just did it! I would assume if you go to your solos tab, it will give you an option to edit it. The seller has the option to accept or r

Hi Kay wonder if you can help a stupid old man, as I mentioned earlier I bought solos but sent the wrong link can you tell me how I can get the proper link in the swipe?

5.0 (320)
109 posts / 53 likes
Ken Armstrong
Ken Armstrong on 26 Nov 2015 at 22:55

Hi Kay wonder if you can help a stupid old man, as I mentioned earlier I bought solos but sent the wrong link can you tell me how I can get the proper link in the swipe?

YOu are not stupid, just new. Do you have a my solos tab on the left? Support can probably give you detailed instructions, but I am happy to help if I can. Learning a new system is never easy, you will be a pro in no time.