HI Couranga what kind of traffic are you looking for?
i want to buy traffic. so need online support!
your welcome on udimi , come inbox !
Please send link my way to take a look
Would be glad to help. Getting about 50% - 60% optin rate from blog subscribers when I send to different pages.
i want to buy traffic. so need online support!
do you need help tell us what you need
Hi Gouranga !!! Udimi platform is so easy to use, if you want to buy traffic, follow these steps: 1) Click on Find a Sellers tab at the top off the page 2) Use filters That Udimi has, like price, ratings, etc 3) Revise the testimonials and performance off the seller Frequently sellers are online, so you can send them a message with no commitment to buy, I'm pretty sure you will find online support . You can pick anyone off the sellers and have a chat with them before you buy. Cheers !!! and good luck !!!
i want to buy traffic. so need online support!