Twaambo, are you using a sales funnel for TM? Or are you just sending the regular affiliate page? This will make the difference and making sure you have a good swipe for it as well.
Good advise...Thanks Cassandra
Twaambo, are you using a sales funnel for TM? Or are you just sending the regular affiliate page? This will make the difference and making sure you have a good swipe for it as well.
Thank you Cassandra, am using regular affiliate but nothing yet,
If you would like...I do have a sales funnel that I use for TM. Let me know and I can share that with you. It it relatively hard to get sign ups or any response rather when using the same affiliate sites/splash pages that is shared with the site alone. You would also want a system that allows you to follow up with people when you share TM with them.
Good response Cassandra, i too am a complete novice so my direct link should be a Landing page?
Hi Wesley...yes having a great lead capture page would start things off just right. Test and make sure that it converts very well. Never do a direct link to an affiliate site that is over saturated by other affiliates...then you want to make sure to brand you and build those relationships with your new subscribers. Hope this helps:)
Yes, that's great thanks. So, in my swipe am i just giving people info about me or the product i am selling? Hope you don't mind answering my novice questions. would definitely give info that leads up to your product or service that you are sharing with the list. You would want your capture page to intrigue them and then allow your sales funnel to inform them and educate them enough to make an informed decision to join, or purchase from you. Hope that helps.
Hi Cassandra,
I believe that i do in fact have all this as i am in PLS which is very good but it's just where does my swipe fit into all this? When i purchase traffic does this traffic see my swipe? My swipe does have a link to my capture page and funnel but am uncertain about my swipe and whether it should be polished to make prospects click on my link. Please feel free to check out my swipe and comment, if you have time. Much appreciate your help here, thank you.
If you would like...I do have a sales funnel that I use for TM. Let me know and I can share that with you. It it relatively hard to get sign ups or any response rather when using the same affiliate sites/splash pages that is shared with the site alone. You would also want a system that allows you to
Hello kind of please do share more information am new to TM and trying to get sign ups under me. How does the funnel work? Thank you.
someone help bought 50 clicks hoping to get some referrals for traffic monsoon had 64 but haven't seen any email. am new . Thank you.