Usually the seller "has" to start the traffic as soon as possible and complete it in 100 hours. Did you get some clicks already?
Udimi's timezone is GMT+0, therefore your solo may start earlier or later depending on your timezone. For example, if your timezone is GMT+6, then your solo will start at 6am instead of 12am on April 3 2015.
I think udimi should upgrade the system so to be clear what is the server time and day
This means your order should complete within these hour by solo seller. If he/she can't complete order within these period you can get refund your partial money which is not complete. I think you can now understand. If you have any question feel free to ask. Thanks
I ordered a solo ad for April 3 2015 and it say's 81 hours left what does this mean? I wanted my ad to start on April 3 not day's later?