Forum Solo ads Want to buy traffic interested in email marketing

84 / 2
4 posts / 3 likes

Hi everyone,

I just bought my first 2 solo ads for the same optin page. One is performing very well (almost 50% optin rate), while the other gave me 0 optins so far out of 33 visitors and counting.

Both sellers have stellar reviews, so I think the difference comes from what those subscribers are interested in. One seller may have subscribers interested in email marketing (the topic of my offer), while the other may not.

Instead of buying solo ads blindly (too bad that Udimi doesn't have an interest filter), it would be great if sellers with subscribers interested in email marketing could get in touch with me!

I'm ready to buy thousands of clicks from the right sellers.


51 / 5
179 posts / 28 likes
Ronald Victor
Ronald Victor on 17 Jul 2016 at 18:14

Hi everyone, I just bought my first 2 solo ads for the same optin page. One is performing very well (almost 50% optin rate), while the other gave me 0 optins so far out of 33 visitors and counting. Both sellers have stellar reviews, so I think the difference comes from what those subscribers are int

I am available in that niche and I can do multiple orders up to 1000 clicks per order.

128 / 4
16 posts / 4 likes

when you see 0 opt ins you might want to check your page and see if everything is working correctly. I've seen people complain about opt-in and their subscription form is not even working. Always run a test first and during the campaign to make sure everything is still smooth. Even autoresponders with big names fail sometimes. That's why I no longer use them.

84 / 2
4 posts / 3 likes

Traffic is coming from 3 different sources to the same page. Only 1 vendor produced 0% optin rate. Traffic looks legit (countries, devices, ISPs all look good) that's what I think the topic was not suitable for that vendor's list.