Forum Solo ads TopUp Transfer from Safe-Swap to Udimi

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Wallace Johnson MBA I am still waiting for my funds to be transferred to Udimi. I have been with Safe-Swap over a year with a + rating and designated as one of 10 top buyers of Solo Ads, but it doesn't seem to matter. I am frustrated.

8 posts / 0 likes

Hi Wallace,

Have you opened a support ticket on Safe-Swaps? I cannot find it.

23 posts / 1 like

Igor, when I go to my Safe-Swap account in Settings now there are NO funds there in my TopUp account. I had $169.47 in the account. Where is my money and how can I get to it. Support is not helping me at all.

23 posts / 1 like
Igor Kachevsky
Igor Kachevsky on 30 Jul 2014 at 09:44

Hi Wallace, Have you opened a support ticket on Safe-Swaps? I cannot find it.

When I go to my account Settings in Safe-Swap in TopUp I find NO funds there now. Yet there was no transfer to UDIMI either. Where did my money go?

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Wallace Johnson Test Pilot
Wallace Johnson Test Pilot on 30 Jul 2014 at 18:42

When I go to my account Settings in Safe-Swap in TopUp I find NO funds there now. Yet there was no transfer to UDIMI either. Where did my money go?

Safe-Swaps support received your ticket and forwarded it to tech support. The money will be transferred within a day or two.