Forum Solo ads Upload money into Udimi account

5.0 (623)
12 posts / 7 likes

Is there any way to upload money into my Udimi account - without purchasing a solo?

For example: If i have $50 in my Paypal account, how do i transfer this money into my Udimi account - that can later be used to instantly purchase a solo?

5.0 (663)
22 posts / 26 likes

I think they removed that feature but im not totally sure.

5.0 (27)
15 posts / 7 likes

I've not seen a method - though I've never personally looked for it.

218 posts / 71 likes

This feature is not supported on Udimi.

5.0 (70)
3 posts / 0 likes

This feature was removed some time ago and now it is direct deduction from your paypal account to udimi account for payment. No need to top up udimi account.

627 posts / 570 likes

you can buy expensive solo for $1000+ and then cancel it rights away.

Feel free to use my profile for that.