Without this button difficult to sort sellers(
Return it please!
Cannot buy solos without the button please put it back.
Just did not notice) It is necessary to click on the first button, and then there was a small little list with the sales data.
Sorry for my English
Just did not notice) It is necessary to click on the first button, and then there was a small little list with the sales data. Sorry for my English
Ohhh!! Awesome bro!! Thanks for letting us know!
Ohhh!! Awesome bro!! Thanks for letting us know!
Sorry I don't understand please explain how to see it. What button do I click on. Why has the site hidden this ggggrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
Sorry I don't understand please explain how to see it. What button do I click on. Why has the site hidden this ggggrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
Click on the "like" button. It will appear once you hit the "like" button.
Bad UX Udimi ~
3 days ago, I can see the sales conversion button for each seller. Now, it is no longer there! Why did Udimi remove that?