Forum Solo ads Proxy Filter ?

8 posts / 0 likes

I noticed that the "Proxy" filter is no longer available?

218 posts / 71 likes
Roy on 26 Dec 2016 at 17:11

I noticed that the "Proxy" filter is no longer available?

This filter was permanently removed from Udimi.

8 posts / 0 likes

That may be problematic for AWeber users?

Aweber has a hard rule that they send back a captcha for same zip address in 12 hours I had a recent run where 25 of 40 ouniwue visitors got the captcha (I can see in the right side of dashboard) and as such did not get added to the list.

I think if that filter had been in place this would not have happened?

I cannot think of any other reason why so many got the captcha.

8 posts / 0 likes

16:53 Hi, I did a run recently and on the right side of the dashboard, I had 25 visitors that appear to have been directed to a Captcha page. Aweber has a hard rule where more than one attempt from the same IP address in 12 hours the user gets a captcha. I suspect that this is because those 25 visitors came from the same proxy address? And therefore got the captcha, and therefore never made it to my list? Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 26, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Udimi forum wrote: > > > Udimi Team. This filter was permanently removed from Udimi. >