Forum Solo ads Need a solo to go out in next 5 hours for webinar

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I know it's short notice I'm after a good solo ad seller that can give me 100% tier 1 200 click solo for a webinar that is live in just under 7 hours but would be good if the solo finishes in say 5 hours.. will give a good honest review if results are good i.e. good optin rate and posible sales..also if good will want repeat weekly solo from vendor.

Kind Regards

355 / 1
35 posts / 14 likes
Craig Smith
Craig Smith on 17 Apr 2017 at 15:06

Hi I know it's short notice I'm after a good solo ad seller that can give me 100% tier 1 200 click solo for a webinar that is live in just under 7 hours but would be good if the solo finishes in say 5 hours.. will give a good honest review if results are good i.e. good optin rate and posible sales..

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