Forum Solo ads Mobile Traffic

5.0 (4)
8 posts / 15 likes

I am looking for vendors who have bot free mobile traffic. This traffic must be clean and high converting.

5.0 (128)
20 posts / 23 likes
Clint Booker
Clint Booker on 12 Jun 2017 at 01:56

I am looking for vendors who have bot free mobile traffic. This traffic must be clean and high converting.

LMAO...It's funny how "NOT" one vendor responded to your question! SMH!

hmmmmm...makes you wonder....doesn't it?

5.0 (356)
35 posts / 14 likes
Joe Wolfe
Joe Wolfe on 16 Jun 2017 at 18:09

LMAO...It's funny how "NOT" one vendor responded to your question! SMH! hmmmmm...makes you wonder....doesn't it?

I did send him private message, I think most of the sellers did what I did...Lol

5.0 (4)
8 posts / 15 likes

Hey Joe Irianto did message me but he was the only one.