Forum Solo ads Few changes for Promoted Solo Deals

626 posts / 570 likes

Hi All,

Few changes for Promoted Solo Deals

  • All sellers who buy promoted Solo Deals will get promoted status immediately after initial posting.

  • Rotation on “Find sellers” screen will also start immediately. There will be 3 threads for every 20 search results.

  • In Solo Deals section nothing changes: promoted threads will get bumps based on queue with a total limit of 10 active threads simultaneously.

  • Promoted Solo Deals are randomly rotated between posts on Udimi forum.

  • Promoted Solo Deals will be displayed on main screen on Udimi app.

Best, Uncle Dimitry.

848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

Good improvements to add variety to selections available. Will likely make traffic on Udimi flow better around the community.

1300 / 28
32 posts / 12 likes

After getting Promoted status, I noticed now the first 20+ sellers are all Promoted sellers, is it no longer just the first 10 are Promoted, then 3 random Promoted per 20 sellers? I noticed in the first few days of the new system, it was 10 Promoted sellers then 3 random Promoted for every 20 sellers.

It was better just a few days ago with the first 10 being promoted, then a random 3 promoted per 20, now everyone who doesn't buy promoted status has very little chance to get sales, with the first 20-25+ sellers all being promoted sellers. If suddenly 40+ sellers bought promoted status, then too many people have that status and it dilutes the effectiveness if someone bought promoted status but is in position 30 for example. They have to wait until their Solo Deal is bumped to get into the Top 10 of the Find Sellers section.

I think it may also be better to have Promoted deals bumped to the top of simple deals immediately, as it will give more incentive to purchase Promoted status. Because if one buys the Simple status immediately, it is immediately bumped up at least to 11th position. This I think will get even more sales from Promoted deals. Maybe Simple deal price can be reduced to $30 or $40 (meaning sellers only need around one sale to break even) since it will be bumped down quicker.

626 posts / 570 likes
Fabian Tan
Fabian Tan on 26 Jul 2017 at 11:43

After getting Promoted status, I noticed now the first 20+ sellers are all Promoted sellers, is it no longer just the first 10 are Promoted, then 3 random Promoted per 20 sellers? I noticed in the first few days of the new system, it was 10 Promoted sellers then 3 random Promoted for every 20 seller

all sellers who posted promoted solo deal get promoted label, even those who are in the queue. On solo deals page there will always be only 10 promoted deals at the top.

Best, Uncle Dimtiry.

1300 / 28
32 posts / 12 likes

Thanks for replying, yeah I was referring to the Find Sellers section where the top 20+ positions are all Promoted sellers now, so anyone who doesn't buy Promoted status has a lot less chances to get sales compared to before. I think it's better to have the top 10 being Promoted (those who just had their Solo Deal bumped up) and then after that for every 20 positions, 3 random Promoted sellers. Or maybe just a maximum of 20 Promoted sellers in the "Find Sellers" section at anytime. Previously, it was only 10, so 20 is still an improvement.

If 40+ sellers bought Promoted status, all the top 40+ positions in the Find Sellers section I assume will be filled by Promoted sellers, so it will dilute the status and everyone else has very little chance to make sales, except for a few sellers who already have many repeat buyers.

I was getting quite a lot of orders recently even without Promoted status, but now I feel that it would be a lot harder to get orders without that status.

626 posts / 570 likes
Fabian Tan
Fabian Tan on 26 Jul 2017 at 12:05

Thanks for replying, yeah I was referring to the Find Sellers section where the top 20+ positions are all Promoted sellers now, so anyone who doesn't buy Promoted status has a lot less chances to get sales compared to before. I think it's better to have the top 10 being Promoted (those who just had

these jump to the top only if they match search criteria of the user and sort by was set to "Udimi score"

Previously "promoted" section of the search was ignoring search criterias. Currently - not.

Also, we have a filter to exclude all promoted altogether.

1300 / 28
32 posts / 12 likes

Ok, only issue is that many new users will use the default search criteria at least in the beginning, but I guess sellers have to compare the results from non-Promoted and Promoted status and see if it's worth it to continue bumping the deals. I was having many orders in the last two or three weeks before the changes last week even without Promoted status, and then I stopped receiving orders almost completely so it seemed like non-Promoted status became a lot less effective (even though I have a decent overall ranking). I guess we'll have to see how it goes.

626 posts / 570 likes

let's see how it goes. If it does nothing good, we will revert it back.

Best, Uncle Dimitry.

626 posts / 570 likes
Fabian Tan
Fabian Tan on 26 Jul 2017 at 15:47

Ok, only issue is that many new users will use the default search criteria at least in the beginning, but I guess sellers have to compare the results from non-Promoted and Promoted status and see if it's worth it to continue bumping the deals. I was having many orders in the last two or three weeks

that's a bug and it will be fixed.

Solo deals must show only 10 promoted threads. All the rest are simple deals.

Those who are in queue, wait until closest promoted spot is available, but they appear in search results immediately (with promoted mark)

Best, Uncle Dimitry.