Forum Solo ads Link not working

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I have put new link in but how do I request change

5.0 (1)
7 posts / 0 likes

i need to know this to. my ad is suppose to start in about 40 minutes and i need to change the lnk in my ad but how do i do this?

barbie m.

5.0 (1)
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Ask your seller to cancel the solo, then reorder with new link

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Luman Jager
Luman Jager on 16 Apr 2018 at 14:56

Ask your seller to cancel the solo, then reorder with new link


barbie m.

5.0 (7)
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Barbie Merkel
Barbie Merkel on 16 Apr 2018 at 06:53

i need to know this to. my ad is suppose to start in about 40 minutes and i need to change the lnk in my ad but how do i do this?

Ok I found the answer. Click on the sellers picture, go to your solo ad and click on info then change the link then press save. A screen will come and ask you if you want to send to seller press yes. The seller will then accept and sen the add with the corrected link.

You can also send your seller a message and tell him not to send the add until the link is corrected.

If all else fails you can then cancel the solo ad

5.0 (1)
7 posts / 0 likes

thanks Fran, i did that and he declined it, not sure why. and after i did change it just the way you said, the link did not change when i clicked it to go to my landing page, it was still the same, but he did cancel the order and i resubmitted it, just waiting for him to accept my solo ad order. thank you

barbie m.

5.0 (7)
5 posts / 0 likes

Barbie: It could be something to do with the landing page. Maker sure you check the link in the landing page to see that is forwarding.

Hope it helped you out/.

The guys here at Udimi are really good to acomodate their customers.