Buying Large Amounts of Traffic.

Buying Large Amounts of Traffic.
Nick Breen
1 post / 1 like

I am looking for solo sellers that will let me link directly to my sales page. Yes, I want to skip the lead capture page. I have built a number of multi million dollar businesses, and I am only interested in building a list of buyers.

Doing this I have proven that my LTV's are much higher over time and we make way more profit.

Feel free to message me. I am ready to start buying large amounts of traffic. I have been doing this a long time and have tested this with millions of dollars in ad spend.

Please let me do what I want.

Posted 24 Jul 2018 at 12:00
David Johnson
1 post / 0 likes

Currently offering 100% T1 Premium traffic at 16% off my normal price with 10% OD guaranteed with an excellent conversion rate. Orders of 1000+ receive an even further discount. Message me if I can help.

David Johnson, Successful Solutions Now
Posted 29 Oct 2018 at 23:13
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