It's a code you put in the header of your site to track optins on Udimi.
I was just going through the setup and I see Optin Tracking. I am not sure how or where to use this. Does anyone use the Optin Tracking and if so what do you do with it?
your customer need to insert udimi pixel to their website so you & your customer can both track optin rate, it's a good idea so both seller & customer don't need to argue about whose stat to use, however most customers don't have access to their website html code or don't know how to.
your customer need to insert udimi pixel to their website so you & your customer can both track optin rate, it's a good idea so both seller & customer don't need to argue about whose stat to use, however most customers don't have access to their website html code or don't know how to.
Thank you
It's a code you put in the header of your site to track optins on Udimi. Cheers, Adam
thank you
Jason Gerald
tried to put the tracking code on my optin page on the settings of the page then tracking code. I also put the code on the ... it doesn't work...
it says We couldn’t find Udimi code on <url>.
but i was able to put facebook pixel on the same area, which was successful.
I use clickfunnels
I have the same problem, using Clickfunnels and udimi can't find the code.
Works for me. Make sure you're supplying UDimi with the URL of the *PAGE* (from the gear icon near the Edit Page button), not the URL of the funnel *STEP*.
Also works for me.
I was just going through the setup and I see Optin Tracking. I am not sure how or where to use this. Does anyone use the Optin Tracking and if so what do you do with it?