Some buyers send their solo ads traffic directly to a sales page instead of squeeze page, I will reject this type of campaign because I know there is a much better way and I usually suggest it to the buyer, some will follow some don't have the time or the effort to do it, it's their own decision.
Sales pages always use longer copy and a long-copy sales page is only presented to people who have previously expressed an interest in that product or service. It should not be used as a first-contact landing page, this has been proven through many years of direct mail testing.
so why not use both squeeze page and sales page?
You buy solo ads and send your clicks to your squeeze page, some percentage of your clicks will be converted into leads, you immediately send your new lead to a Thank You page where they can download the information you promised.
Just below the Thank You and the download button is the start of your sales page.
Start sending drip email to your new leads, the call to action (within your emails) sends your readers back to the sales page.
Some buyers send their solo ads traffic directly to a sales page instead of squeeze page, I will reject this type of campaign because I know there is a much better way and I usually suggest it to the buyer, some will follow some don't have the time or the effort to do it, it's their own decision.
Sales pages always use longer copy and a long-copy sales page is only presented to people who have previously expressed an interest in that product or service. It should not be used as a first-contact landing page, this has been proven through many years of direct mail testing.
so why not use both squeeze page and sales page?
You buy solo ads and send your clicks to your squeeze page, some percentage of your clicks will be converted into leads, you immediately send your new lead to a Thank You page where they can download the information you promised.
Just below the Thank You and the download button is the start of your sales page.
Start sending drip email to your new leads, the call to action (within your emails) sends your readers back to the sales page.