Forum Solo ads Good offers to promote

4.9 (1475)
84 posts / 42 likes

I am wondering if vendors here have recommendations on what to promote. I have an offer I am currently promoting, but I always keep my options open to more/better offers. If sellers here have good recommendations for promotions to their lists please send me a PM :) Looking for some good partnerships.

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

I find sometimes making your own products can help because then you can have your own affiliate program you can get extra traffic from . Also have a daily followup sequence in your autoresponder with a different offer each day. You could also promote Udimi they have a good affiliate program.

4.9 (1475)
84 posts / 42 likes
James on 19 Dec 2018 at 00:21

I find sometimes making your own products can help because then you can have your own affiliate program you can get extra traffic from . Also have a daily followup sequence in your autoresponder with a different offer each day. You could also promote Udimi they have a good affiliate program.

Like a product, or a service you mean?

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

Yes like a digital product, membership, guide, or program tool. These days anyone can make their own products.