Forum Solo ads Ratings function

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My ratings function was removed because I had to remove a rating for a SOLO seller when I noticed some misspelling in what I wrote. I went back to re-edit my rating and it said my rating function had been suspended because I removed a rating. Anyone know how to fix this?

5.0 (341)
111 posts / 62 likes
Jerry Leverock
Jerry Leverock on 30 Jan 2019 at 17:49

My ratings function was removed because I had to remove a rating for a SOLO seller when I noticed some misspelling in what I wrote. I went back to re-edit my rating and it said my rating function had been suspended because I removed a rating. Anyone know how to fix this?

Contact support, they will have the best answer.

5.0 (28)
2 posts / 0 likes

Thanks a lot for your response. I will certainly do that. i just thought there was a switch somewhere that I missed that would turn it back on. Thanks. J.