Forum Solo ads How do I change my link

2 posts / 1 like

I people I am a buyer and want to change my link but because the system is hard coded the seller cant change the link.... please can anyone help thanks in advance. Samuel

111 posts / 62 likes
Samuel May
Samuel May on 11 Apr 2019 at 09:35

I people I am a buyer and want to change my link but because the system is hard coded the seller cant change the link.... please can anyone help thanks in advance. Samuel

Hey Samuel, the best thing to do is to cancel the order and reorder with a fresh link. The other option is to ask support to change the link. It's much faster just to start over with a fresh order because when you ask support to change the link, you have to wait to hear back from them, then you have to wait for the seller to approve the link change and it takes a long time in comparison to just staring over with a fresh order. A new order saves time and you're not sitting around playing the waiting game.

2 posts / 1 like

Thanks for that Jen while waiting I found out ,an easier way " got to Ad TEXT" it will say in red (ad Liink).. press that button. A box will open below past the new the link you want to replace.. a box will appear above with your original link that's the link your a trying to replace.

After changing the link go back to the ad sellers page where the solo ad is going to run' your new link will now be there look below and again in red it will say Send request for seller to to change link.. the system will send a automatic request forthe seller to change the link... and all he does is accept the request and the your ad is ready to run in minuets.

Kind Regards


If it has been accepted, then:

- go to My solos
- open the solo you wish to change
- switch to INFO section
- click red button "Change link" or "Change ad text" at the bottom right
- make changes and save them
- click "Send changes to seller"

S. May